Thursday, June 30, 2016

Week 57

June 27, 2016

This week I did my first member split!! I went with Fratello P, this super cool old guy, to visit Sorella D. He is no taller than 5'1" and she is probably 4'11". The first five minutes of the visit they were talking about the advantages of replacement teeth; I felt about as useful as when I home taught with my dad and we'd go to the Layers' house and talk about epidurals. Fratello P did say something I really liked though, referring to the lack of home teaching our ward does: "why would the Lord give us more sheep when we can't take care of the sheep we already have?" I've never really thought about it like that.

Giuliana's baptism went great! I had kind of murmured about how much time we had spent practicing the musical number "Nearer my God to Thee".  However, my attitude changed when we sat down after singing it and
Massimiliano, who had just heard the talk about the Holy Ghost, leaned over and said "That was definitely a manifestation of the Holy Spirit".  He was really bummed to miss her confirmation the next day because apparently I had told him church was at 9:30, not 9:00. But we were walking home yesterday and he ran out of a gelateria he was in to say hi and tell us he was going home to read the Book of Mormon.

We also started teaching Giuseppe this week. He said he felt super drawn to this church. At first I was worried that he was like the other guy who was just happy we were preaching in the name of the Lord but would never have committed himself to this church.  Then he told us he had studied with the Evangelicals but didn't like it, so that made me feel better.


Anziano Cannon

Matera, where they filmed "The Passion of the Christ" 

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