Saturday, September 24, 2016

Week 68

September 17, 2016

Well I guess I've been transferred! I am no longer serving in Rome 6.  Yesterday, the stake presidency came to join Rome 2 and Rome 6. What had happened is that a year or two ago they had created Rome 6 so they would have enough wards to split the stake. Since then, many families from Rome 6 have moved away, while other units that had been branches have become wards, so the need for Rome 6 no longer existed. Plus, several American families have moved in recently, so we are very blessed to now have Sunday school and third hour in English.

We met with Will this week, unfortunately it was at a bar since he was in a rush. But this guy, who initially wanted us to teach him English, apparently frequented our church with his family for two years in Venezuela before returning to "il mondo Cattolico". We hope well because we aren't sure he ever worked with missionaries while he was there, they may not have had them in his unit.

Thursday we had a mission conference with President Kearon of the Seventy! Elder Sabin was also there. The conference was held in Rome 1, my old church. But I tell people Rome is its own country for a reason. Anziano Jorgenson left early to practice a musical number, but it was quite the miracle that we did an exchange and had me leave later with the other missionaries to help them find the church, as you'll see. I was happy to host the Cagliari elders, among which was Anziano Chugg!  We took a metro ride to centro and then had to switch metros – we saw some companions from Rome 3 on the metro, but there was no room. That came into play later as about halfway through the metro we fit on it broke down. We got off and decided to take a bus (it was pouring rain), but the first bus that came after 15 minutes was too packed to get on. We finally got on another one after 15 more minutes, which was also packed. We then walked the rest of the distance to the church, and got there at 10:15 after nearly three hours of travel. We were supposed to have arrived at 9.

Anyway, they said some incredible things. President Kearon remembered meeting me in February I believe! Crazy stuff. He quoted Elder Holland saying "it takes a great conference to last past Tuesday" in relation to making goals based off spiritual impressions and what we learned from the conference. I certainly did and think we should all apply this with General Conference in a couple weeks.

I guess the biggest news is Rose, who had an obstacle preventing her baptism but she prayed after one of our lessons that she would receive an answer.  The following morning, and at 6 am, she got her answer. Her date is October 8th! She bought a notebook to start taking notes of what she learns in church and from the Book of Mormon.


Anziano Cannon

Anziano Jorgenson and I try to recreate the picture 
did with Anziano Saffer several months ago

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